( Language Learning Strategies in a Nutshell: Update and ESL Suggestions – Learner Strategy Training in the Classroom: An Action Research Study )
In this section, there are two topic discussions that discuss about language learning strategies in a nutshell: update and ESL suggestions and learner strategy training in the classroom: an action research study. In this section we will know about language learning strategies in a nutshell and how the learner strategy training in the classroom activity
 There are several differentiate in language learning strategies, according to oxford ( Cohen & Weaver, 1998), differentiate learning strategies into cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy, and affective strategy. Cognitive strategies involve the identification, retention, and retrieval of language elements. For metacognitive, the strategy of this type deal with the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of language learning activities. Affective strategies are those that serve to regulate emotion, attitude, and emotion. These strategies are difference in language learning strategies. Frequently used technique for assessing students’ L2 strategies include informal or formal interviews, group discussion, language learning diaries, dialogue journal between students and teacher, and open-ended surveys. Observation methods are often difficult to employ because many learning strategies are internal and thus invisible to observe. Therefore, much learning strategy research depends on learners’ willingness and ability to describe their internal behaviors, both cognitive and affective (emotion)(Brown, 1989; Harlow, 1988). There are many factors in using the strategies, such as maturity, comprehension of one’s own learning style preferences, and previous experience that separate expert from notice. In learning language, successful learners often use metacognitive strategies such as organizing, evaluating, and planning their learning. Beside successful learners in learning language use metacognitive strategy, learners sometimes are not even aware of the non communicative or rather mundane strategies they use, such as translation, role memorization, and repetition.

Suggestion for ESL instructors to effective language learning, first it is restively easy to find out about your students’ learning strategies. Second, be concerned about a wide range of strategies, not just the commonly discussed cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Third, study the effectiveness of the particular learning strategies your ESL students use. Forth, give explicit directions about strategy use and offer practice in transferring the strategies to new situation and task. Then pay attention to the range of factors influencing strategy use among ESL students and those personally affect. And last assess the learning style and strategies your students use.
Learner strategy training in the classroom: an action research study. There are several categories of task as learner strategy training in the classroom. First, stimulating a focus on the learning process, task in this section focus on general aspects of learning process. Second focusing on the context and environment of the learning process, this second category includes task that encouraged learners to focus on different modes of learning. Third dealing with the macro skills, task in the third category teach learners strategies for developing the macroskills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking next, strategies for dealing with pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and discourse. The final bank of task introduce strategies through which students can work with the various language systems, that is the development of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and discourse.

REFERENCE : Richards, Renandya. 2002 Methodology in Langauge Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

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