In this section, there are two articles that focus on two aspects of a language lessons: planning the lesson and managing the student in the classroom when the teaching learning process. Two kinds of these articles are important to do by the teacher when the teacher teaches a language process in the classroom. Lesson planning is defined as the daily decision a teacher makes for the successful outcome of a lesson. This lesson plan should make by all the teachers before they teach in the classroom. Also the lesson plan should engage yearly, term, unit, weekly, and daily lesson planning (Yinger,1980). In order a teaching language process directed and the teacher knows what should they do in the classroom. Except that, lesson planning is especially important for preservice teachers because they may feel more of a need to be in control before the lesson begins.
In the lesson planning, there are a number of approaches to lesson planning. The dominant model of lesson planning is Tyler’s (1949) rational-linier framework. Tyler’s model has four steps that run sequentially: (1) specify objectives (2) select learning activities (3) organize learning activities and (4) specify methods of evaluation. In realization, many teacher, when make a lesson plan they just deviate from the original plan, also when English teacher do write daily lesson plans, they do not state them in terms of behavioral objectives, even though they are taught this method in preservice teacher education courses (Richards & Lockhart, 1994; Freeman, 1996; Bailey, 1996). If some English language teacher do when they make a lesson plan before they teach, the teaching learning process will be run well, because the teacher don’t mastering the lesson plan, they don’t know what should they do when they teach, how to solve the problems when the teaching learning process. The teacher should be make their own lesson plan before they teach in order they can manage the classroom, delivering material, and also managing the student when the teaching learning process. Except that, the teacher should develop their lesson planning, creating an innovation teaching. Then the teacher makes their lesson plan before they teach in the classroom, they should be implementing the lesson well. There are two broad reasons for teacher to deviate from their original lesson plan: first, when the lesson is obviously going badly and the plan is not helping to produce the desired outcome; second, when something happens during an early part of the lesson that necessitates improvisation. When implementing their lesson plan, teacher might try to monitor two important issues, namely, lesson variety and lesson pacing. These all are for a good teaching learning process, because teaching learning process is depends on the lesson plan its self, how develop and implementing in the classroom.
In the lesson planning, there are a number of approaches to lesson planning. The dominant model of lesson planning is Tyler’s (1949) rational-linier framework. Tyler’s model has four steps that run sequentially: (1) specify objectives (2) select learning activities (3) organize learning activities and (4) specify methods of evaluation. In realization, many teacher, when make a lesson plan they just deviate from the original plan, also when English teacher do write daily lesson plans, they do not state them in terms of behavioral objectives, even though they are taught this method in preservice teacher education courses (Richards & Lockhart, 1994; Freeman, 1996; Bailey, 1996). If some English language teacher do when they make a lesson plan before they teach, the teaching learning process will be run well, because the teacher don’t mastering the lesson plan, they don’t know what should they do when they teach, how to solve the problems when the teaching learning process. The teacher should be make their own lesson plan before they teach in order they can manage the classroom, delivering material, and also managing the student when the teaching learning process. Except that, the teacher should develop their lesson planning, creating an innovation teaching. Then the teacher makes their lesson plan before they teach in the classroom, they should be implementing the lesson well. There are two broad reasons for teacher to deviate from their original lesson plan: first, when the lesson is obviously going badly and the plan is not helping to produce the desired outcome; second, when something happens during an early part of the lesson that necessitates improvisation. When implementing their lesson plan, teacher might try to monitor two important issues, namely, lesson variety and lesson pacing. These all are for a good teaching learning process, because teaching learning process is depends on the lesson plan its self, how develop and implementing in the classroom.
After create a lesson plans as planning or guide the teacher when the teacher teach, furthermore is managing a classroom. Before a managing a classroom there are several thing that have to remember, there are three broad categories in classroom management; motivation, constraints, and the teacher’s role. In language learning, motivation is more specific than in a content-based subject. The teacher can motivate the student to take an interest student in a subject. If students have takes an interest to a subject, the teacher can easy to manage the classroom. Extrinsic motivation can come through reward from the teacher, not only reward, but also approbation too can make a students motivate.
To managing constraints, the teacher can make some activities in the classroom when the teaching learning process. such as create group work, can use the multilevel nature of the class to advantage by appointing specific roles to avoid problems such as having one student dominating the group and others sitting passively and etc. and for managing the teacher’s role in classroom, teacher sometimes fear losing their central classroom role as practiced in the traditional classroom. The teacher should mastering the material, give good attitude, and discipline. In order the teacher has a central role in the classroom.
There is a correlation between lesson planning and classroom management. Lesson planning is to planning or prepare for the teacher in the classroom and teaching language process before teaching learning process started. And classroom management is implementation from lesson plan that create before they teach.
REFERENCE : Richards, Renandya. 2002 Methodology in Langauge Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
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